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Title: John Colhoun, Chamberstown, Pa. to Alexander Reed.
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
FileColhoun, John/13
SenderColhoun, John
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationstore owner
Sender Religionunknown
OriginChamberstown, Penn., USA
RecipientReed, Alexander
Recipient Gendermale
SourceT 1466/1a: Copied by Permission of A. Colhoun Esq., Belfast.
ArchiveThe Public Record Office, Northern Ireland.
Doc. No.8910148
Partial Date
Doc. TypeEMG
LogDocument added by JM 25:10:1993.
Word Count489
TranscriptChamberstown 23d October 1795
Dear Sir Yours by Post dated 13th Instant to hand, I am sorry for
the death of you Afexonate [affectionate?] Brother, as well the loss to
me of a Worthy partner, I hope he has made a happier C[?]
than this troblesome [troublesome?] world could aford [afford?], one thing
Please me Much, that is, Every attention being paid to him while here -
I am sorry to think of the distress of his mother when this reaches
her, in his last letter to me he requested not to let his Illness to his
Mother be known, that I could have done, but Alass [Alas?] the Event
I cannot now conceal he wrote a Letter to her with one hundred dollars
to send home with some I am to send home he says to send his
Mother £35-0-0 but I will send her the whole
as to the store my mind has been fixed for some time in Case your
Brother should be Called of, that is for to give the store to you
the Charge is great I grant you, but by your Care, and attention I
have Every hopes of your being Capable of the task, so that you
Are to Say by [buy?] the old books and open a [set?] of New ones, in the
Name of Alexander Reed & Co and Advertise the Outstanding
debts to Come in, at Least to have them settled, and then not distress
anny [any?] Good Customer - there is no doubts before his dicease [decease?]
he allowed you to have the profits arriving on his part of the store
and I think it Unnecessary to take an Inventory of the Goods
as in the spring before you went to him an Inventory was taken
of Course you Brother then knew how the store stood, if there
should be any appearance of Troblesome [troublesome?] People Indebted to the
store Thomas Scott Esquire will Inform you how to proceed
or our friend Mr Henry Purviance A number of People here have
been Unhealthy and severals deaths, but the most Lamentable mallady [malady?]
has raged in New Yourk [York?], the yellow fever, or nearly the same was in
Philadelphia two years ago - the husband in the pangs of death when
his wife or Children Could not be admited [admitted?] to see him, in the same
Can with all Connections be them Ever so dear to them, many
hundnds [hundreds?] have died and the City partly Depopulated - the
Latest Accounts say the fever was Abated - there is two of my
partickular [particular?] Acquaintances [acquaintances?] in
Philada [Philadelphia?], which is no more, that I have dealt with
for 12 years past, so that we in one [goes?] Before another, and
death is Sure to all, I Conclude with that hope that the Almighty
Will Cumfort [Comfort?] you in truble [trouble?] and believe me with
Sincire [Sincere?] Regard your Affectionate friend
John Colhoun
Mr Alexander Reed