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Title: Letters of Francis Makemie
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
Filemakemie, francis/3
SenderMakemie, Francis
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationclergyman
Sender ReligionProtestant
OriginBarbados, West Indies
DestinationBoston, New England (today's Mass., USA)
RecipientRev. Increase Mather
Recipient Gendermale
SourceAmerican Presbyterianism: Its Origin and Early History. pp. XIV- 1
ArchiveCentre For Migration Studies
Doc. No.201113
Partial Date17/01/1697/8
Doc. TypeEMG
LogDocument added by LT, Td by Maxine Green, 07:01:02
Word Count686
BARB. [Barados Jan 17 1697/8
Reverend Sr [Senior?]
Yours, with your mentioned
tokens, p. Capt. White l have received,
for which l thanke [thank?] you,and
shall not be unmindfull, [unmindful?] of
a gratefull [grateful?] return, p. Capt.
Green, your son in law.
This comes to inform you of our great
and unexpected disappointment, by our son,
Mr Samuel, his not coming to Barbados,
after so full purposes and frequent
resolutions and wonder at your people
who return from this Jsland [Island?]
with magnifyed [magnified?] news, of our
sicknesse, [sickness?] and that of purpose,
to discourage any ministers coming hither
from N: E: [New?] [England?] which l am
contrained to impute to nothing else but
their willingness that any of you should
come hither to behold, and remark, the
lives, carriage, and conversation of
some new England men, in Barbados,
which l am informed, are vastly
different, from what they appeare [appear?]
in N. England: And whatever discouraging
reports has been or shall be carried to you,
upon this account, l confidently confirm,
that Barbados does now, and has for severall
[several?] moneths [months] past enjoyed,
more peace, plenty, and health, then [than?]
it enjoyed since our late Revolution,
and l am willing to beleeve [believe?]
that as our visitation by sicknesse
[sickness?] came in by war, so God
will remove it by peace, for tho
[though?] we have of late had, and have
as great, if not greater concourse of
strangers, and sailors on this island,
then [than?] has been formely observed, and yet
very healthly, and no greater mortality,
then in other healthy places of the world,
many instances might be given to obviate
what you have heard, of not one in three,
escaping in life, even from many N.E: [New England?]
ships, particularly Capt. ffoster [Foster?]
lately sailed for London, who had been here,
for many months, had considerable number
in hands, in a large ship, and assured me,
he had lost not one man by sicknesse
[sickness?] tho [though?] many of them
pressed aboard men of war, which has
been the continued grave for sailers [sailors?],
who have fallen most by sicknesse
[sickness?] of this place.
If this reach your hands, to undeceive and
other friends, who have disuaded [dissuaded?]
your son from Barbados before
he sail for London, l shall be
necessitated to leave this people, and many
strangers, who resort to this Island desolate,
being purely confined these two yeares [years?]
from going off for my health, for want of
supply; and as to particular visitations
by mortality N. [New?] England, London, and all
other places, as lyable as Barbados.
Ld. [Lord?] Bellamont your Governour, [Governor?]
beat of the coast of N. Yorke [New York?], and
arrived at Barbados, and being from Ireland and
having knowledge of some of his relations, and
since l was capable of knowing anything,
heard an honourable character of his father
Sr Ch. Coot, a zealous Paliamentarian, and
terror to the Irish, l presumed to pay my
respects to him and admitted to familiar
conversation; our President Bond, lover
and admirer of N. England [New England?],
blesses God on your behalf, that he put
it into the heart of our king to pitch
upon such a man, for N: E [New England?]
and l am really persuaded, he is a
loyall [loyal?] subject, a true protestant,
and a moderate man; and this juncture, a
fitter man, of his quality, scarse [scarce?]
could be had in England for that post,
excepting the infirmity of his body, by
the Gout.
I took the freedome, [freedom?] when
alone to assure his Lship [Lordship?]
if he would protect and countenance N. E.
[New England?] in their Religion and Liberty,
he would be
happy in that Government, and he assured me
of all moderation on that account. I expect
fresh opportunities of further accesss to
his ldship, [leadership?] which l shall
endeavor to improve in favour of N. E:
and communicate what occurs to you, and
present subscribe yourself.
Your assured friend, humble servant,
tho [though] worthy
ffrancis [Francis?] Ma [Makemie?]

l was long since
convinced the Carlysle Dove
was a cunningly contrived
cheate [cheat?]