Title: | William Dray, New York to Robert Buchanan, Milford. |
ID | 865 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Dray, William/34 |
Year | 1892 |
Sender | Dray, William |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | unknown |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | New York, USA |
Destination | Milford, Co.Donegal, Ireland |
Recipient | Buchanan, Robert |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | friends |
Source | D1473: Presented by K. Baxter, Milford, Co.Donegal. |
Archive | The Public Record Office, N.Ireland. |
Doc. No. | 9705006 |
Date | 01/01/1892 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | EMG |
Log | Document added by LT, 01:05:97. |
Word Count | 334 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | 568 Eleventh Ave New York Friend Bob You must excuse not answering your letter before but I have been laid up since before Christmas with Exyma [eczema?] all over my face and hands my eyes were all swollen up but am just getting a little better. We were sorry to hear that you had been laid up too with your neck boils are very painful I know but I hope by this time you have just recovered. We have had a very bad winter here, it was over three weeks of intense cold colder than it has been in 22 years so work as [has?] been pretty scarce. We missed our big stove then. We had one card from the Lodge a Dollar fine if you did not attend the Meeting I have not been able to go out so was not able to see any of your friends. Hope your stair case was a success. Jim Dobbs is partner with his father now so he is amongst the archetie's [architect's?] and the say the prospects are good for Spring I hope they are. Willie and Edna have so far kept very well this winter, Edna says Bob is coming back in summer, I asked who told her so she said Bob did Willie say Yes he come to see me in the ship boat he speaks so plain and is as saucy as he can be poor Edna hair [her?] suffer at times with him. We received your paper safely with thanks I shall send you some with this letter I guess they are catching fine fish at the Banks now this cold weather. Don't you wish you were there. We all send our best respect hoping this will find all in good health. Hoping to hear from you soon Yours truly William Dray P.S. You must excuse all mistakes as I had to write it as Will's [William's?] hand are bad. Don't forget the Bloaters if possible but don't bother so much looking for them. Edith Dray |