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Title: $$ Extract: William Drennan, Belfast, to Mrs. McTier, Belfast.
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
FileDrennan, William/70
SenderDrennan, William
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationstudent
Sender Religionunknown
OriginBelfast, N.Ireland
DestinationBelfast, N.Ireland
RecipientMcTier, Matty
Recipient Genderfemale
SourceT 765/1/22: Obtained From Mrs. Duffin, Summerhill, Mount Pleasant, Belfast.
ArchivePublic Record Office Northern Ireland.
Doc. No.9002035
Partial Date
Doc. TypeLET
Log22:02:1990 JM created 21:06:1991 GC input 04:07:19
Word Count217
Transcript.... I do wish to take my Degree in Edinburgh, as I think it the
most creditable, and that it may be more useful to me in any situation
where Chance will place me, and I seriously think that after taking
it, I would find it most advantageous to settle at least for some years
in America as I think it more than probable that there will not be a
green spot in the North where I can rest with safety; so that like the
second messenger from the ark, I may be a bolder & more stretched out
Flight obtain my wishes, and no longer depend on the generosity of
another, however dear to me. The Price of the Degree is indeed very
high amounting in the whole to 25# but as I have attended s[--?] classes
on this account otherwise not absolutely necessary, I would be sorry
not to receive the benefit of them. However, if my Mother thinks
proper I will take it at Glasgow, and will inform her what is the
difference in the expence [expense?] in my next Letter.
I am determined not to practice in Belfast without some tolerable
prospect if not of immediate success which I have no reason to expect
at least of some assurance of some approaching independance....