Title: | The Drennan Letters, 1776 - 1819: Letter to "Will" [Drennan?]. |
ID | 882 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Drennan, William/154 |
Year | 1819 |
Sender | Drennan, William |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | doctor |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | unknown |
Destination | unknown |
Recipient | unknown |
Recipient Gender | unknown |
Relationship | unknown |
Source | T 765/1/18: Obtained From Mrs. Duffin, Summerhill, Mount Pleasant, Belfast. |
Archive | Public Record Office Northern Ireland. |
Doc. No. | 9002034 |
Date | 01/01/1819 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | LET |
Log | 22:02:1990 JM created 19:06:1990 JF input 22:06:19 |
Word Count | 160 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | ...I. Hay is quite fix'd [fixed?] in going to America whenever he gets a good opportunity. Our Vol. [Volunteer?] Comanys [Companys?] make a good figure Captain Banks's is the most numerous & he is fond of shewing [showing?] them in marching to Church Meeting &c. a parade declined by the others, they however I am told are to fire on Sunday next. their regimentals are blue White Wastecoat [Waistcoat?] & breeches & blue co[l?]d.laced hats &c., it is thought pretty & as you may possibly chuse [choose?] to join them [query?] might it not be better to defer buying a new coat where you are not that the uniform wou'd [would?] be convent. [convenient?] for you as it is only worn on field Days - as J. Greg resign'd [resigned?] when he went to America there was another Officer to be balloted for. in his place & Sam was choisen [chosen?], a very inconvent [inconvenient?]. because an expensive honor [honour?].... |